Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 2 Unity


Is when you put elements close together in an image. In this example it shows a bunch of small images of people playing sports placed close together to create a bigger image of someone on a unicycle.

Repetition (emphasis on similarity)

Is when elements in a design are repeated and look similar to each other. This example shows coffee cups that look exactly the same but are facing in different directions. The word coffee is also repeated several times in different colors and sizes.

Repetition (emphasis on variety)

Is when elements in a design are repeated but they look slightly different from each other. In this example the figures are all in the same pose and are holding heads but each head has a different facial expression.


Is when something in a design continues in a certain direction like a line, edge, and an object that points to another object. In this example the line in the middle of the H curves down and up towards the leaf.

The grid as an organizing factor  

Is when a piece of art is shown in horizontal and vertical lines that are aligned to form a grid. In this example there are six different versions of the man's head. Each square uses different colors. The grid makes the piece look organized and your eyes follow each row of images.

Chaotic unreadable image

Is when a design has so much going on in it that it is hard to see everything in the design and it looks chaotic. In this example there are a bunch of words overlapping each other and they are really close together which makes it hard to read the words.

Non-objective expression of unity

Is when there is no clear meaning behind a design. In this example the squares and rectangles were placed close together, and the different colors make the design look interesting. This could also be an example of proximity.

Figurative expression of unity

Is when you show an emotion in a piece of art that is exaggerated. In this example it shows four women from different cultures united together. This piece has a peaceful and happy feeling to it. I think that this could also be an example of proximity because the women are standing close together.

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