Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 1 My Ideal 2D Design

My ideal 2-dimensional design is something that if full of colors, details, and stands out. When I see an image that has lots of colors and details it catches my eye right away. I love seeing multiple colors in one design because the colors make the shapes and details of a design stand out more. Here is an example of a design with lots of colors and details. There are so many different shapes in this design but you can see each of them because of the colors.

Jorge Enrique Villalobos Espinosa

A design does not have to have a lot of colors for me to like it either. If it has a lot of details but few colors then I will still like it. Here is an example of a design that uses only black, gray, and white colors and is very detailed.

Jorge Enrique Villalobos Espinosa

I love seeing details and colors but I also like seeing simple designs as well. If I think that they look, pretty, cute, or cool then they are good designs too.

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