Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 14 Design For A Cause

For this assignment I decided to create a poster for ASPCA the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals because I love animals and hate seeing them being treated badly. For my poster I decided to use the same hue with different values. I chose orange because the ASPCA website used orange in its color scheme.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 13 Color Assignment

Here is my color wheel design, color schemes, and hue test.

Color Wheel

Color Scales

 For my color scales I did white to blue, blue to orange, and red to green.

Online Hue Test

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 12 Value Self Portrait

For this assignment I sketched myself out on paper and then I brought it into Photoshop and added in my textures. Even though this took a while to do it was very fun!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 11 Illusion of Space and Motion

For illusion of space I chose to find examples of size, linear perspective, and overlapping.


This poster of Harry Potter is an example of size. Harry is the biggest person in the image because he is closer to the front of the image. Everyone behind him start to get smaller because they are further away from the front of the image.

Original image

Linear Perspective

This painting called Alley By The Lake by Leonid Afremov is an example of linear perspective. The light posts, trees, and sidewalk start to get smaller as they get further away and they all meet at a single point in the lower right of the painting.

Original image


This image shows fish overlapping each other. The fish on the very top are bigger than the fish underneath because the fish on the top are in front of the fish in the back showing that they are closer.

Original image

For illusion of motion I chose to find examples of blurred outlines, multiple images, and anticipated motion.

Blurred Outlines

This photo of tumbling dice is an example of blurred outlines. You can see the motion of the dice turning as they bounce off the ground and are rolling. You can also see the numbers on the dice changing as they are moving too.

Original image

Multiple Images

This image shows multiple images of a cat falling and turning around in the air so that it can land on its feet. We can see each motion that the cat goes through in order to turn its body around.

Original image

Anticipated Motion

This image is showing the wave is in motion because the wave is curving down towards the boats and it looks like it is going to crash into the boats below.

Original image

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Week 10 Pattern and Texture

Here is my 15 patterns and textures sampler and my 11 shade grayscale. I used different fabrics with patterns and textures, jeans, my cats fur, food, and scratching post, a cleaning cloth, my ceiling, couch, feathers, and some different blankets.

15 Patterns and Textures

11 Shades Grayscale

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week 9 Shape and Volume

For my shape and volume assignment I chose to use one of my kitchen chairs and a stool. I placed the stool in front of the chair on the left side and took pictures of it at different angles. These are the three angles that I liked the most.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 8 Line

For this assignment I decided to do both traditional and digital media. I did the dry media drawings traditionally and the wet media drawings digitally. For dry media I used a 4B graphite pencil and a charcoal stick.

For dry media I chose happy, sad, angry, and love for my emotions. For happy and love I used a pencil, and for sad and angry I used charcoal.

For wet media I used balance, stitch, drip, and repeat for my verbs. I choose an ink brush and an air brush.

For my second dry media I drew a cat bank that I have in my room. For contour and gesture I used a pencil, and for blind contour and gesture I used charcoal.

For my dry and wet media volume drawings I used a pencil and charcoal. For the air brush and ink volume drawings I used my tablet to draw them. I'm not very good at drawing with it yet.